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E Waste Buyer

E Waste Buyer in Bhadrachalam

We provide you E-waste buyer thatholds expertise in buying wide range of used computers, which are widely used in several offices, homes and cyber café.

No waste is as toxic as the e-waste. We produce waste in every step of our life but e-waste is the most disturbing for the environment. This is why it is so important to recycle the Electronic Wastes properly. In India, the concept of safe Electronic Disposal is still in its nascent stage. We steps out to fill in that gap. We aspire to provide world-class facility
in recycling and disposal of e-waste to every Indian, corporate, business houses and general public so when we discard our computer or fax machine, none is harmed. Our electronic equipment waste management company has a wealth of experience in Asset management, Refurbishment and recycling electronic equipment. In particular, we offer a "one stop shop" for the Asset Management of Redundant Corporate Computer & Peripheral Equipment. Our PC disposals and computer recycling services are cost
effective, environmentally friendly and secure.End-of-life electronic equipment waste management solutions are tailored to suit customer's individual requirements and encompass all functions from collection through to secure destruction. We are also a buyer of printed circuit boards for precious metal recovery, as well as all precious metal bearing materials.

All across Mumbai
